Mercy’s Tender Fields (Elfchen Series #208)



Unconditionally planted

Rising with purpose

Faith’s emptiness now fed


Photo by Pixabay on



Seeds scattered

Night and day

Growing fully, then ripening


Photo by Gary Barnes on



Tiniest seed

Maturing into fullness

Faith nurtured by Spirit


Photo by Zen Chung on

The German hymn, “We Plow the Field and Scatter,” was written by Matthias Claudius in 1782.  The lyrics were set to music in 1800 by Johann A. P. Schulz. The hymn was translated into English in 1861 by Montgomery Campbell.  

As you listen to this song, focus on the lyrics as they appear on the screen.  They add a meaningful visual image to this series of poems.  The hymn’s piano melody is played by Mary Munson.

Hope’s Security

From Psalm 1:5-6:  “Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous, for the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”

Courtesy of Pinterest.

Time forever witnessed

Gathered in God’s hands

Blessing with His patience

Every minute planned


Given choice of two ways

Passed on wicked’s advice

Choosing God’s righteous path

Grace pays entry’s price


Faith guiding each next step

Called by God to pause

Waiting for His command

Timeless counsel draws


Spirit, water, and blood

Filled with purity

Believing in God’s Son

Hope’s security


Deeply-rooted faith sown

Watered with God’s love

Overcoming darkness

Harvest’s light above


Courtesy of Pinterest.

From 1 John 5:6-8:  “This is the one who came by water and blood, Jesus Christ, not with the water only but with the water and the blood.  And the Spirit is the one that testifies, for the Spirit is the truth.  There are three that testify:  the Spirit and the water and the blood, and these three agree.”

Timeless Dimensions (Haiku Series #246)

Hidden Realm

Deepest ocean trench

Pacific’s Mariana—


Photo by Francesco Ungaro on

Majestic Presence

Himalayan peaks

World’s blessed Mother Goddess—

Everest’s glory

Photo by Dick Hoskins on

Night Remembered

Icebergs gathering

Floating, titanic struggle—

Ocean’s ships, keep out!

Photo by Mikhail Nilov on

Nightly Reflections

Photo by Mengliu Di on

Distant clap of thunder

Pausing as if on cue

Cloudy skies breaking free

Nightly reflections coo


At first, hearing silence

Nature turns on her spell

Nightly reflections stir

Stories ready to tell


Moon serenades landscape

Harmony’s silent creek

Timeless melodies swirl

Nightly reflections peek


Lake’s high tide rolling in

Whispers tease sandy beach

Nightly reflections wink

Drowsy thoughts within reach


Dreams never want to fade

Overcome now with sleep

Horizon’s sunrise waits

Nightly reflections keep


Tasting Life

Photo by Brett Sayles on

Looking into nearby trees

Visualizing every leaf

Moving with another breeze

Viewing each artist’s motif


Reminding of blessed life

Molding self, with every hour

Breathing in peace, without strife

Seasoning days, never sour


Touching greenest blades of grass

Remembering every step

Topping off another glass

Sitting at nature’s doorstep


Exploring depths of these woods

Imagining what’s waiting

Delivering timeless goods

Tasting life, captivating

Photo by Enrique Hoyos on

Game’s Timeless Rhythm

“Original” Yankee Stadium was home of the New York Yankees from 1923 to 2008. (courtesy of Pinterest)

Spring training arrives

Baseball swings away

Dreams forever fill

Grown men now at play


Life’s daily fabric

Clothed around baseball

Game’s timeless rhythm

Umpire shouts, “Play ball!”


Bambino’s shadow

“House That Ruth Built” shrine

Yankee Stadium

Writes daily headlines


Pennant race forecast

Veterans lead off

Each rookie follows

Game always shows off


Who’s in center field?

New Yorkers look out

Mick, Duke, or Willie

None better, no doubt


National pastime

Newspapers proclaim

Box scores filled with stats

Deep love for this game


Nation’s beating pulse

Another home run

Mantle, Maris chase

Ain’t this really fun?


Each autumn’s classic

Baseball measures up

World Series broadcast

Greatness bats cleanup


Memories still stand

Precious trading cards

Hall of Fame’s legends

Baseball’s honor guard


World Series action from 1955 as the Yankees face the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie Robinson is stealing home with catcher Yogi Berra stepping up to tag him out. Was Robinson safe? Of course! The Bums from Brooklyn finally defeated the Bronx Bombers in seven games for their first World Series championship. (courtesy of Pinterest)

A few of the stanzas deserve some additional notes.  The “Bambino” refers to baseball legend George Herman (Babe) Ruth.  The center fielders are Mickey Mantle (Yankees), Duke Snider (Dodgers), and Willie Mays (Giants).  All played at the same time during the 1950s.  Mantle and Maris refer to Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris, who played for the Yankees.  In 1961, their personal home run derby propelled Maris to hit a then-record 61 home runs for a season, with Mantle close behind with 54.