Monday Memories: Pursuing Wisdom

From the words of Latin priest and theologian Jerome of Stridon:  “Love Holy Scripture, and wisdom will love you.  Love her, and she will keep you.  Honor her, and she will keep you.”

Photo by Eduardo Braga on

Pursuing wisdom over a lifetime

Gathering, enriching a single life

Applying to everyday challenges

Loving Scripture, supplanting darkest strife


Seeking wisdom with a hunger for more

Searching in the truthful and proper place

Persevering with consistency now

Tasting God’s Holy Word and loving grace


Sustaining the tree of life, holding fast

Following a righteous path, leads to peace

Finding God’s wisdom, life’s only true wealth

Blessing His wisdom, sustains life’s new lease


Trusting these blessed fruits of God’s wisdom

Turning evil away, aligned with Him

Refreshing mind and body, healing flesh

Respecting God’s Word, singing a new hymn


Treating our neighbors better than ourselves

Trusting, loving, supporting each other

Walking together with God, hand in hand

Partnering with each sister and brother 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

From Proverbs 3:13:  “Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding,”

Originally published June, 2020.

Tennessee Williams Quotes

Photo by Ben Mack on

Morning can always be counted on to bring us back to a more realistic level.

Life is an unanswered question, but let’s still believe in the dignity and importance of the question.

Tennessee Williams (1911-1983) was an American playwright and screenwriter.  His written contributions to dramatic productions are evident in classics such as “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” and “A Streetcar Named Desire.”

Journey’s Final Gate

Photo by Rajeev Mog Chowdhary on

Peering into endless darkness

Fearing night’s disquieting steps

Hiding in wilderness shadows

Hearing distant tap at doorstep


Searching horizon, now silent

Missing gracious slice of moonlight

Looking into starless abyss

Galloping toward hidden knight


Catching glimpse of advancing dawn

Feeling comfortable with fate

Focusing on ember of light

Opening journey’s final gate


Reaching intended rendezvous

Bring peace to life’s blessed love

Sharing from adventure’s story

Finding early sunrise above


Photo by Sasha Martynov on

Subtle Glances (Haiku Series #257)

Fine Tuning

London’s pause in time

Laboring around the clock—

Resetting Big Ben

Photo by Chris on

Lifelong Restoration

Wandering nowhere

Years of thoughtful rebuilding—

Now going somewhere

Photo by Gije Cho on

Show Must Go On

Performance delayed

Searching for absent cello—

Airline’s missing case

Photo by Pixabay on

Lloyd Alexander Quotes

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

Keep reading.  It’s one of the most marvelous adventures that anyone can have.

We learn more by looking for the answer to a question and not finding it than we do from learning the answer itself.

Lloyd Alexander (1924-2007) was an American author, who wrote primarily fantasy novels for children and young adults.

Mandell Creighton Quotes

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

The real object of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking questions.

The desire of every man to have his own way becomes all the stronger when he knows that his way is a good way.

Mandell Creighton (1843-1901) was a British historian as well as a bishop in the Church of England.

Christy Ann Martine Quotes

Photo by Arina Krasnikova on

Happiness lives inside of the smallest moments.

Keep searching for the colors when everything turns gray.

Christy Ann Martine (born 1972) is a Canadian writer who shares poetry and short stories.  

Pursuing Wisdom

From the words of Latin priest and theologian Jerome of Stridon:  “Love Holy Scripture, and wisdom will love you.  Love her, and she will keep you.  Honor her, and she will keep you.”

Photo by Eduardo Braga on

Pursuing wisdom over a lifetime

Gathering, enriching a single life

Applying to everyday challenges

Loving Scripture, supplanting darkest strife


Seeking wisdom with a hunger for more

Searching in the truthful and proper place

Persevering with consistency now

Tasting God’s Holy Word and loving grace


Sustaining the tree of life, holding fast

Following a righteous path, leads to peace

Finding God’s wisdom, life’s only true wealth

Blessing His wisdom, sustains life’s new lease


Trusting these blessed fruits of God’s wisdom

Turning evil away, aligned with Him

Refreshing mind and body, healing flesh

Respecting God’s Word, singing a new hymn


Treating our neighbors better than ourselves

Trusting, loving, supporting each other

Walking together with God, hand in hand

Partnering with each sister and brother 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

From Proverbs 3:13:  “Happy are those who find wisdom, and those who get understanding,”