Harmony’s Medley (Haiku Series #282)

Forward Looking

Today invites pause

Recalling yesterday’s strength—

Tomorrow brightens

Photo by Maria Orlova on Pexels.com

Lighter Load

Weighing life’s balance

Filling heart with confidence—

From every high road

Photo by Jonathan Schmer on Pexels.com

Sweetest Tidbits

More precious moments

Found in life’s smallest details—

Each child’s uniqueness

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Pexels.com

6 thoughts on “Harmony’s Medley (Haiku Series #282)

  1. Thank you Linda. I appreciate your readership and willingness to fill in this comment. I’m trying to catch up on the blogging side of my writing after being busy with our oldest Ohio daughter’s surgery. She is at home and recovering.


  2. Thank you Karla for reading and sharing some of your own reflections of faith. My wife and I are trying to return our lives to a “normal” routine. Our oldest Ohio daughter endured surgery and a long stay at the hospital. She is home and recovering. Better days are ahead. Keeping you in thoughts and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Richard, I’m sorry to hear of your daughter’s struggles; and happy to hear she is recovering (and better days are ahead). I’m sorry. I’m glad you were with her and family.
      I didn’t get the news I had hoped on my scan yesterday. Many lymph nodes are lighting up–bones are improved, but lymph nodes, not good. However, we have a plan. My “kids” and grandkids will be in this weekend and lots of celebrations will take place. I’ll be “out” for a while concentrating on that. I’ll go see my oncologist next Thursday and another treatment. It’s a marathon! But with God, all things are possible! I trust HIM! Many prayers for all of you; your daughter included!


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