Behind the Scenes

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Photo by Daria Shevtsova on

Welcome to “Behind the Scenes.”  Today, we are visiting with Richard, the creative energy behind the writing journey of Big Sky Buckeye. 

Richard, tell us a bit about where you grew up.

I grew up in Billings, Montana.  With the exception of the three years when my Dad was teaching in Oilmont and Poplar (other Montana towns), my life was spent in the largest city under the Big Sky.

Many of your readers know you are a retired teacher.  Tell us about your college background.

After graduating from Billings West High School, I attended four years of college at Montana State University in Bozeman.  My major was business education, which prepared me for a teaching position in a high school business department.  I also earned a broad field minor in social studies.

We think you have said that you taught for 40 years.  Wow!  Can you tell us more about your teaching career?  Where did you teach, and what did you teach?

My teaching career started in Montana, traveled to Wyoming, returned back to Montana, and finished in Ohio.

During my 29 years in Montana, I taught mostly high school business classes.  Later, I taught elementary keyboarding and middle school computer applications along with my high school teaching duties.  I also was active as a coach, activities director, and student council advisor.

After being laid off in Missoula, Montana, my teaching journey took me to Wyoming for one year.  I taught high school business before returning back to Montana.

My final ten years were spent in Columbus, Ohio where I taught middle school computer applications.

Before we wrap-up, tell us some of your childhood memories from growing up in Montana.

My family was a large one with four brothers and one sister.  Our home was located right across the street from the elementary school, which would be our school for all of us through the sixth grade.  At least one member of my family attended this school for nearly 25 years in a row.

We lived on what was the far west side of Billings at the time.  Farm fields and relatively quiet roads were all around where we lived.  Today, this area is completely developed, but the elementary school is still in use.

We have appreciated our time with Richard from Big Sky Buckeye.  Look for more “Behind the Scenes” in a future posting.

If you have a question for Big Sky Buckeye, feel free to leave it in the comments.  He would be happy to share an answer with you.




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