Film Buff Memories

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Photo by Nathan Engel on

Becoming something of a classic film buff

Viewing one notable movie is never enough


Seeing Brando and an all-star cast is a dream

“The Godfather” brings intensity to the screen

Traveling back to witness world history, long past

“Schindler’s List” fills emotions that forever last

Walking with Bogart and Bergman once more

“Casablanca” presents a story that will soar

Rising again on an American southern plantation

“Gone with the Wind” makes Gable a sensation

Growing up along the magical yellow brick road

“The Wizard of Oz” sings with music, never old


Filling an appetite for storytelling that is the best

Watching skillful actors in plots fulfilling the test


Comparing life to a box of chocolates, he imparts

“Forrest Gump” offers a look at a life never tart

Listening to how music makes the hills come alive

“The Sound of Music” still stirs visions that thrive

Arriving on screen come Darth Vader and lots more

The original “Star Wars” brings new hope that soars

Making a classic musical with singing and dancing

“Singin’ in the Rain” presents Gene Kelly’s prancing

Feeling comfortable with a warm, real story to know

“It’s a Wonderful Life” sends an angel to save a soul


Finding time for viewing one more film tonight

Eager to build more movie memories this night


Do you have any favorite films that you would enjoy watching again?  The above films are just a tiny taste of ones that I would enjoy watching again (hmm, I think that I already have).



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