Trivia’s Facts and More (6/8)

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This informative post will be published on Saturday in place of my regular one.  You are invited to participate with the opening question.

Brain Teaser Question

What three numbers will always give the same result whether multiplied or added together?

(answer found at the end of this post)

Featured Facts

Ohio Republican Rutherford B. Hayes served as the 19th President of the United States for a single term from 1877-1881.

Here are a few quick facts about President Hayes:

  • LIfespan:  October 4, 1822 to January 17, 1893 (born in Delaware, Ohio)
  • Colleges Attended:  Kenyon College (Gambier, Ohio) and Harvard Law School
  • Spouse:  Lucy Ware Webb Hayes (first First Lady with a college degree)

Hayes gave many years of service to his nation as well as the state of Ohio.  He served in the Civil War for its entire length of time (1861-1865).  He rose to the rank of general of an Ohio-bred regiment.  In 1862, he was seriously wounded at the Battle of South Mountain (Maryland), which occurred three days before the more famous battle at Antietam Creek.

Following the Civil War, he worked hard to establish a successful law practice in Cincinnati.  Later, he served as Governor of the Buckeye state for two terms (1868-1872).  He would again be elected to serve as Governor for a third term (1876-1877) until he was elected President of the United States.

In the Presidential Election of 1876, Hayes faced Democratic candidate, Samuel J. Tilden.  Hayes was considered the underdog as he was a dark horse candidate who was attempting to follow in the steps of Republican President Ulysses S. Grant.  The country’s patience with Reconstruction of the former Confederacy was wearing thin, and many voters were seeking a change in political leadership.

In a highly contested election, Hayes snatched victory away from Tilden in the weeks following the completion of voting.  Votes were disputed in at least four states, and eventually Hayes won the Electoral College final tally 185-184.  Tilden received a majority of the popular vote.

As President, Hayes followed through on his promise to only serve one term as President.  He was the first President assigned Secret Service protection.  He supported the ending of Reconstruction in the South.  He signed a bill which allowed female attorneys to argue cases before the U.S. Supreme Court.

clockwise from top left:  Portrait of president hayes, President hayes and first lady lucy ware webb  hayes, Hayes from the civil war years, hayes’ home at spiegel grove in Fremont, childhood home in DELAWARE.  (Images courtesy of Pinterest)

Answer to Brain Teaser Question

1, 2, and 3   (1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6)

2 thoughts on “Trivia’s Facts and More (6/8)

  1. Linda, thank you for trying the brain teaser and reading about President Hayes. I agree with you about the clothing she (and other women) wore back in this time period. Can you imaging wearing them during Washington’s stifling summer heat and humidity?


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