Monday Memories: Christ Prevails

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From 1 Peter 2:24:  “He himself bore our sins in His body on the Cross, so that, free from sins, we might live for righteousness; by His wounds you have been healed.”

Chosen and precious in God’s sight

To believers, Christ’s Spirit brings Salvation

Jesus Christ turns darkness into light


Our faith’s chosen and precious cornerstone

Christ comes forward to redeem us

We can live by His bread alone


Jesus becomes our Holy, High Priest

Believe and never put to shame

God’s own Son takes His seat


Nonbelievers reject God’s Holy, chosen one

Christ prevails to become our Rock

Salvation goes through God’s Holy Son


Christ suffers mightily for His flock

Yet, He never commits any sin

Following God’s steps around the clock


Christ never waivers, He follows through

Entrusting Himself to His Heavenly Father

Bearing our sins, Resurrection’s glorious view


Our lives feel threatened with gloom

Jesus never ceases caring for us

Standing by, Christ prevents our doom


Jesus at our side, always a friend

Loving us with passion and intensity

Our opportunity for Salvation, God sends


Christ, the Good Shepherd, beckons us

No longer gone astray and lost

Christ’s body and blood heal us


The old, rugged cross stands tall

Freeing us from our endless sins

Washing us white, Salvation calls all


Living in bondage, forever in sin

Emancipation by Christ, paying the ransom

Accepting Christ, brings all believers in

From Luke 24:6:  “Remember how He told you, while He was still in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be handed over to sinners, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.”

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Originally published September, 2019.

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