Merciful Grace

From Psalm 103:8:  “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.”

Photo by lalesh aldarwish on

Praising God eternal

His merciful grace reigns

Steadfast, abounding love

Unshackling evil’s chains


Praising almighty God

His glory always reigns

Filled with merciful love

Blessing life, changing lanes


Praising God’s steady hand

His endless grace shall reign

Forgiveness, heals with love

Boarding heavenly train


Praising God’s Holy name

Spirit coming to reign

His mercy shared with love

Covering distant plains


Praising God’s divine plan

Son’s kingdom born to reign

Taste lasting, grace-filled love

Washing white, sinful veins


Photo by Kamp Ve Enduro on

From the words of American pastor and theologian, Eugene Peterson:  “God is sheer mercy and grace.”

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