Monday Memories: Harmony in Creation

This poem is inspired with Creation’s visions from Psalm 104 (the poem’s first 12 verses), and with a response from the hymn “My Life Flows On in Endless Song” (the poem’s final six verses).


Photo by Brett Sayles on

Clothed with Holy majesty and honor

Heavens stretching out to infinity

Our Lord’s masterpiece endures forever

Clouds witness this sacred affinity


Earth’s foundation, never to be shaken

Lofty mountaintops look upon it all

Safe refuge waiting in fertile valleys

Creation’s spirit fulfilling each call


From flowing springs, animals quenching thirst

Every season following moon’s phases

Birds singing praise from highest tree branches

Rising and setting sun painting praises


God’s creation flowing as endless songs

Nothing shall ever shake its inner calm

Echoing across earth’s fruitful valleys

Scaling each mountaintop as joyful Psalms


Creation’s fountain forever springing

Beauty of the Lord’s harmony singing

time lapse photo of water falls in the forest

Photo by Aleksey Kuprikov on

From Colossians 1:16:  “For in Him all things in heaven and on earth were created, things visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or powers—all things have been created through Him and for Him.”

Here is the melody and lyrics to “My Life Flows On in Endless Song”:

Originally published June, 2020.

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