Monday Memories: Coast to Coast

worms eye view photography of statue of liberty

Photo by Jamie McInall on

Sightseeing from Atlantic to Pacific coasts

Experiencing America, with much to boast


Lady Liberty’s gleaming torch welcomes all

Blazing autumn colors define Vermont’s fall


Appalachians conceal valleys, nestled with small towns

Nashville plays music for biggest “Country” hoedown


Florida’s Everglades house gators galore

Across America’s skies, bald eagles soar


Commanding Mississippi River slices through the land

Florida and California beaches offer up surf and sand


Interstate highways transport autos everywhere

Great Lakes provide a waterway, here to there


New Orleans offering its French Quarter to entertain

To the South, Rio Grande River creates a watery lane


America’s breadbasket reaps harvests from the Great Plains

Loaded grain, freight, and more journey on mile-long trains


Towering Rockies sing of marvelous beauty up high

Visiting out West, appreciating a Big Montana Sky


Seattle’s Pike’s Market, a distinctive place to treasure

California’s redwoods, their height is one to measure


Arid Southwest rains bloom flowers throughout the land

Grand Canyon’s brilliant scenery plays a winning hand


Finally reaching the Pacific coast at long last

The Golden Gate Bridge arrives much too fast

golden gate bridge san francisco california

Photo by Ignacio Palés on

Originally published September, 2019.

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