Quintet of Brothers

Photo by Magda Ehlers on Pexels.com

College basketball star and high school majorette

Growing up under Montana’s brilliant Big Sky

Destined to raise this band of brothers as their sons

Rearing five boys, better than any Fourth of July


Household of boys born over a span of twelve years

Perhaps their father dreams of a basketball team

While their mother nurtures with love and care

Quintet of brothers’ thoughts filling with biggest dreams


Brothers grow up, facing life’s many challenges

Inspired by a father with amazing courage

Battling back from near-fatal car crash in his youth

His steadfast work ethic always encourages


These driven brothers discover their niche at school

Excelling with their academics in the classroom

Competition fuels a welcome outlet through sports

Lives mature too quickly, future destinies zoom


This family story would never be complete

The boys’ mother remembers God’s lovely bouquet

These five brothers always cherish their one sister

Believe it or not, she’s born on Valentine’s Day

Photo by Molly Champion on Pexels.com

This poem gives you a quick glimpse into my childhood family.  Growing up under Montana’s Big Sky was a blessing for my brothers and sister.  The memories will last a lifetime.

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