Monday Memories: Cat with a Fiddle

Here is another edition of Monday Memories, where Big Sky Buckeye brings back a previous post from months ago.  Today’s poem was written back in October, 2018, and the content has been updated just a bit.  Enjoy some fun with this short, yet humorous poem.

brown and black abstract painting

Photo by Darwis Alwan on

Down the road skips the cat with the fiddle

Singing and playing, but ready with a riddle


Feeling happy and joyous on a sunny morn

Always looking at his life without any scorn


Passing by, a child asks the friendly cat

Why don’t you trade that fiddle for a bat


Replying back, a bat was used many years in the past

Playing as a member of a regretfully bad baseball cast


Leaving a life on the ball diamond without a smile

Skipping to an exciting destiny to walk many a mile


Now days are filled with music and merry vibes

Feel free to join me on my journey and be alive


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