Capturing Courage

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From 2 Timothy 1:7:  “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather a spirit of power and of love and of self-discipline.”

Appreciate the substance and strength of courage

Witnessing acts of bravery that always encourage


History and the Bible endorse many courageous acts

Honoring men and women from these truthful facts


A lost and sinful world moves without direction

God offers a living sacrifice with His only Son

Witnessing mockery, death, and Resurrection


Dutch people step out from safe location

During a horrible world war’s persecution

Hiding people from arrest and deportation


God listens to His people in Egypt under bondage

Choosing Moses, He dispatches this man to deliver

Bravely leading Israel to freedom and a new age


In America, runaway slaves flee to seek new lives

A network of collaborators facilitate their escape

Following the Underground Railroad, they survive


The Philistines prepare Israel’s army for defeat

A young boy’s valor and faith astonishes everyone

With God, David brings down Goliath, at his feet


A young boy faces serious and critical circumstances

Cancer ravages and impairs his brain and small body

Facing pain-filled treatments, he accepts his chances


Saul persecutes Christians, constant and persistent

Jesus transforms him on the lonely road to Damascus

Apostle Paul moves forward as God’s faithful assistant


American soldiers confront an overwhelming fate

Fighting their way out at Korea’s Chosin Reservoir

Legendary deeds of bravery, they no longer wait


Jesus models the Spirit of God in humble, human form

He faithfully obeys His Father, towards a bloody Cross

Bringing Salvation to a world filled with endless storms


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Do you need more illustrations of courage?  

  • Read and study the Bible
  • Visit those in your circle of family and friends
  • Seek out people in books and films
  • Interview a military veteran
  • Search the Internet






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