What’s in a Name?

adolescent adult black and white casual

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

“What’s in a name” people frequently ask

Let’s explore some just for fun, as our task

Their names represent fame and success

Bringing inspiration to people, nothing less


The Belle of Amherst crafts amazing prose

Emily Dickinson pens magnificent poems

With beauty as exquisite as a painted rose


The Little Corporal conquers many, from his view

Napoleon leads armies across the continent

Only to sustain decisive humiliation at Waterloo


The Yankee Clipper glides across center field

Joe DiMaggio calmly leads the baseball Yankees

Winning nine World Series, never one to yield


The Little Tramp generates many laughs

Charlie Chaplin affixes his comic genius

To a motherlode of silent films that last


The Wizard of Menlo Park perfects light

Thomas Edison invents much to enhance life

With amazing innovations, forever bright


The King of Rock ‘n Roll carries us into a new age

Elvis Presley flips the music world upside down

With singing and dancing from a jailhouse cage


The Lady with the Lamp takes up her cause

Florence Nightingale demonstrates her resolve

To improve nursing and health without pause


The Chairman of the Board conquers Hollywood

Frank Sinatra sings, dances, and acts his way to fame

Entertaining as few other performers ever could


The Wizard of Westwood toils at his craft for many years

John Wooden finishes his coaching career with a flourish

Winning ten basketball championships, incredible to hear


The Maid of Orleans becomes a French heroine

Joan of Arc, during a time of extreme conflict

Restores hope and boosts morale for all within


Nicknames bring admiration to people of fame

But even ordinary folks enjoy their nicknames

city sky france flag

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Do you know other famous people (past or present) with nicknames?  Feel free to write a comment.

Here are some links to previously published writings that relate in some way to this poem.  All of these are non-poetry posts.


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